VS Meshy

Turning images into 3D models is an art, but which AI — TripoSR or Meshy — can sculpt the most accurate masterpiece?

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In this article, we will compare two 3D AI technologies - TripoSR and Meshy - for 3D model creation. We will analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and specific use cases, offering insights into how each tool performs under different conditions. Whether you are a professional 3D artist or a developer integrating 3D models into your projects, understanding the capabilities of these AI-driven tools will help you make an informed decision. Let's dive into the details to explore which AI tool stands out and why.

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Practical tests

Both models will be tasked with generating a 3D object based on a given image. Their ability to interpret the visual data and accurately reconstruct the object in 3D will be tested, providing insight into their capabilities in visual-to-spatial transformation. This challenge will highlight their performance in understanding complex visual inputs and converting them into precise 3D models.

Prompt 1. Geometric shape:

Let's begin with a simple cylinder with a rough surface to test their capabilities.

a cylinder wtih somewhat rough surface

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a cylider with very rough surface and one edge bent na cylinder with a smooth surface, shape is fine
Correct Answer: ❌ 
There is an attempt to capture the roughness of the object, but the cylinder’s surface is cut off.
Correct Answer: ✅
The object looks good, albeit without texture.

Prompt 2. Topological Complexity:

Next, we will assess the topological accuracy of the models by providing them with an image of a torus featuring a high number of segments.

a ring-looking object, with many sections

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a 3D ai generated object in form of a wheel, suitable for a trucka 3D ai generated object looking like a ring comprised of man sectionscloseup of a wheel-like object, with messy mesh of polygonscloseup of the ring-like object, with clear topology
Correct Answer: ❌ 
TripoSR produced a highly confusing topological mesh, and the figure itself is inaccurately represented, failing to capture the intended shape.
Correct Answer: ❌ 
Meshy produced a less tangled mesh, but the shape is still inaccurately rendered, falling short of the desired outcome.

Prompt 3. Mesh Density and Detail:

In this test, we'll evaluate how they manage mesh density and detail.

a head model

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a 3D ai generated object of a head, with weird lines across ita 3D ai generated object with giant eyelashes and good looking other than thata 3D ai generated object of a head with a messy mesha 3D ai generated object with a preety clear mesh
Correct Answer: ❌ 
Generated a complex and confusing topological mesh, but the overall shape is conveyed well despite the mesh's intricacy.
Correct Answer: ✅
The grid is beautiful and neatly arranged, effectively capturing the shape of the object with precision.

Prompt 4. Symmetry:

Let’s provide them with a symmetrical image and observe how well they handle it.

a chair 3d model

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a 3D ai generated object of a chair, colors are off, but the shape is finea 3D ai generated object of a chair, true  to the original
Correct Answer: ✅
The shape is captured well, passing the test.
Correct Answer: ✅
Both models handle symmetrical objects well, accurately preserving balance and proportions in their output, with Meshy showing better colors.

Prompt 5. Layered structures:

Let’s send them a photo of the cake to evaluate how they handle the layered structure.

a cake 3d model

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a 3D ai generated object of a cake, icing is only on one side, the cake is also slanteda 3D ai generated object of a cake. THe colors are off, but the shape is generally pretty good, missing some details
Correct Answer: ❌ 
If you overlook the top of the cake, the layering is captured quite well, with the distinct levels clearly represented.
Correct Answer: ✅
Both models handle symmetrical objects well, accurately preserving balance and proportions in their output, with Meshy showing better colors.

Prompt 5. Complex figures:

The final test will involve providing them with a complex figure of a fox.

a fox in 3d cartoony style

TripoSR output

Meshy output

a 3D ai generated object of a fox. Looks true to the originala 3D ai generated object of a fox, the position differs from originala 3D ai generated object of a fox head, looks gooda 3D ai generated object, coloring is off
Correct Answer: ✅
The model turned out to be accurate, effectively capturing the details of the image.
Correct Answer: ❌ 
Both models handle symmetrical objects well, accurately preserving balance and proportions in their output, with Meshy showing better colors.
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The price of TripoSR is around 10 times cheaper than that of Meshy for 3D AI generation. The price for Meshy is taken for its minimal price plan - $20 montly subscription.

1 generation TripoSR Meshy
1 Generation $0.05 $0.4
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Try for yourself

You've seen what these models can do - now you can try TripoSR 1.4 for your use case. Plug the code below into Google Colab or any IDE, use your API Key, and get testing!

import requests

def main():
    response =
            "Authorization": f"Bearer {aiml_api_key}",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "model": "triposr",
            "image_url": (""

    data = response.json()
    url = data["model_mesh"]["url"]
    file_name = data["model_mesh"]["file_name"]

    mesh_response = requests.get(url, stream=True)

    with open(file_name, "wb") as file:
        for chunk in mesh_response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):

if __name__ == "__main__":


TripoSR and Meshy both have strengths and weaknesses in generating 3D objects from images. TripoSR 1.4 struggles with basic shapes and accuracy, but is better at layered structures and symmetry. Meshy handles basic shapes well and renders layered figures, but lacks detail and precision in textures and organic forms. The best choice depends on your project's specific needs. As AI technology advances, both tools will likely improve, especially with TripoSR 2 right around the corner.

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