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Textembedding-gecko@001 generates high-quality embeddings for semantic understanding in NLP applications

Model Overview Card for Textembedding-gecko@001

Basic Information

  • Model Name: textembedding-gecko@001
  • Developer/Creator: Google Cloud
  • Release Date: February 2024
  • Version: 001
  • Model Type: Text Embedding



The textembedding-gecko@001 model is a cutting-edge text embedding model that transforms textual inputs into high-dimensional vector representations. These embeddings are designed to capture the semantic meaning and context of the input text, making them highly useful for various natural language processing tasks.

Key Features
  • Dimensionality: Produces 768-dimensional embeddings.
  • Input Length: Supports a maximum input length of 3072 tokens.
  • Architecture: Based on transformer architecture, leveraging self-attention mechanisms.
  • Semantic Search: Enables advanced semantic search capabilities, enhancing retrieval accuracy.
  • Multi-Task Learning: Trained on multi-task objectives to improve generalization across different NLP tasks.
Intended Use
  • Semantic search and retrieval systems
  • Text classification and clustering
  • Content recommendation engines
  • Natural language understanding and dialogue systems
Language Support

Primarily optimized for English, with capabilities for other languages, depending on the context and training data.

Technical Details

Performance Metrics
  • Accuracy: Achieves an accuracy of around 90% on benchmark semantic similarity tasks.
  • F1 Score: Reports an F1 score of 0.88 on standard NLP classification benchmarks.
  • Inference Speed: Processes requests with an average latency of 100 milliseconds per request under optimal conditions.

The textembedding-gecko@001 utilizes a transformer architecture, which consists of multiple layers of self-attention and feed-forward neural networks. This design allows the model to effectively understand context and relationships within the text.

Training Data

The model was trained on a diverse dataset comprising over 1 billion tokens from various sources, including web pages, books, and articles. This extensive dataset ensures a robust understanding of language nuances.

Data Source and Size
  • Dataset Size: Approximately 1 billion tokens.
  • Sources: Includes a mix of licensed data, publicly available texts, and proprietary datasets from Google.
Knowledge Cutoff

The model's training data includes information available up to January 2024, ensuring relatively current knowledge for most applications.

Diversity and Bias

The training dataset is curated to include a wide range of topics and perspectives, but potential biases may still exist. Ongoing evaluations and updates are recommended to address these biases and improve model fairness.

Comparison with other models

Feature Textembedding-gecko@001 Textembedding-gecko@003 Ada-002 (OpenAI)
Dimensionality 768 768 1536
Accuracy 90% 92% 89%
F1 Score 0.88 0.90 0.86
Speed (ms) 100 90 120
Robustness High Very High Moderate
Use Cases Semantic search, text classification Similar to Gecko@001 but more robust Semantic search, text classification


Code Samples

The model is available on the AI/ML API platform as "textembedding-gecko@001".

API Documentation

Detailed API Documentation is available on the AI/ML API website, providing comprehensive guidelines for integration.

Ethical Guidelines

The development of textembedding-gecko@001 adheres to ethical AI principles, focusing on transparency, accountability, and bias mitigation. Users are encouraged to monitor outputs for fairness and to implement safeguards against misuse.


The model is available under Google Cloud's licensing terms, allowing for both commercial and non-commercial use, with specific compliance requirements outlined in the licensing documentation.

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