May 28, 2024

Best AI API for developers

Detailed analysis of Best AI API platforms for developers: AI/ML API, OpenAI, Google AI, ClearML, Amazon Bedrock, Hugging Face, and BigML.

The Rise of AI/ML APIs

The emergence of AI/ML APIs is transforming the way businesses approach software development. These APIs offer access to pre-trained AI models, enabling developers to easily incorporate features such as image recognition, sentiment analysis, and natural language processing into their applications without requiring extensive expertise in machine learning.

Advantages of Utilizing AI/ML APIs

Accelerated Development: AI/ML APIs streamline the development process by offering ready-to-use functionalities.
Cost Savings: Companies can avoid the expense of developing and training their own AI models.
Scalability: Cloud-based API platforms provide scalable solutions for managing vast amounts of data.
Access to Expertise: Businesses can leverage advanced AI/ML capabilities without necessitating a team of data scientists.

Choosing the Right AI API

Choosing the right AI API depends on several factors. These include the specific AI capabilities you need, the complexity of your project, your budget, and the technical skills of your team. Some APIs are easier to use than others, and some offer more advanced features.

Consider these factors when choosing an AI/ML API provider:

- Functionality: Make sure the company offers the AI/ML features you require.
- Pricing: Compare different pricing structures and consider the costs associated with usage.
- Ease of Use: Look for API documentation and developer tools that facilitate easy integration.
- Scalability: Check that the platform is capable of handling your data processing needs

In this exploration, we will delve into some of the best AI APIs available today, including AI/ML API, OpenRouter, BigML, Hugging Face, OpenAI, Google AI, ClearML and Amazon Bedrock.

Exploring the Best AI APIs

Now that we understand what AI APIs are and how to choose the right one, let's take a closer look at some of the best AI APIs available today.


The AI/ML API platform offers access to a diverse range of over 200 pre-trained AI models through a single API. These models cater to various functionalities such as natural language processing, image generation, and predictive analytics.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Rapid AI Integration: Integrate AI models swiftly without needing extensive development resources.

Versatile Capabilities: Use the API for diverse applications like chatbots, content recommendations, sentiment analysis, and image classification.

Simplified Development: Comprehensive documentation and strong API connections with popular platforms like Zapier and Bubble simplify the development process.

Technical Features and Integration

Serverless Infrastructure: Reduces costs related to deployment and maintenance for developers.

OpenAI API Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate with existing OpenAI codebases with minimal adjustments.

Scalability: The platform can grow with businesses of any size.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Cross-Platform Support: The API works across various platforms.

Ease of Use: Existing OpenAI users can transition with minimal code changes.


Extensive AI Model Library: Access a wide range of pre-trained models for various needs.

Customization Options: Tailor models to fit specific use cases.

Simplified Development Process: Developer-friendly playground and thorough documentation.

Scalability and Flexibility: Accommodates businesses of all sizes and complies with local regulations.

Cost-Effective: Provides a competitive pricing model, making advanced AI accessible without significant investment.


Customization Complexity: Highly specific use cases may require additional development efforts.


  • Access to over 200 AI models with a single API.
  • Smooth transition for existing OpenAI API users.
  • Cross-platform support.
  • Scalable solutions.
  • Cost-saving serverless infrastructure.
  • Flexibility and compliance control.


  • Complex customizations might require more effort.

Pricing Structure

Free Tier: Limited access to the API for all users at no cost.

Subscription Plans: Custom options available for advanced features, increased usage limits, and enterprise solutions.


The AI/ML API offers a robust platform for integrating advanced AI functionalities into projects. With its extensive model library, ease of use, and customization options, it stands out as a valuable tool for businesses and developers alike.

Google AI

Google AI is a trailblazer, offering businesses and developers an impressive suite of tools and services. This overview explores the strengths and limitations of Google AI, including its features, flexibility, compatibility, and pricing structure.

Benefits of Google AI and ML

Enhanced Business Efficiency: Google AI automates tasks, optimizes workflows, and promotes data-driven decision-making, significantly boosting business efficiency.

Accelerated Development Cycles: Developers can quickly bring AI-powered applications to market with pre-built AI solutions, the user-friendly Vertex AI platform, and open-source tools like TensorFlow.

Technical Features and Integration

Pre-trained Models and Flexible Deployment: Leverage pre-trained models for rapid implementation or customize them to meet specific needs. Deployment options include on-premise, cloud, or hybrid environments.

Industry-Specific Solutions: Google AI offers pre-configured solutions tailored to specific industries, addressing real-world challenges.

Flexibility and Compliance

Scalability: Google AI solutions easily scale to handle growing data volumes and user bases.

Regulatory Compliance: Google Cloud adheres to strict security and compliance standards, safeguarding data privacy and ensuring regulatory adherence.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Open-Source Focus: TensorFlow, a core component of Google AI, is open-source, fostering a thriving developer community and seamless integration with existing tools.

Intuitive Platform: Vertex AI provides a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring ML models, making it accessible to users with various ML backgrounds.

Advantages of Google AI

Innovation Leadership: Google leads in AI research, pushing boundaries and developing groundbreaking solutions.

Open Source Commitment: Dedication to open-source tools like TensorFlow democratizes AI and encourages collaboration among developers.

Limitations of Google AI

Data Reliance: The effectiveness of AI models depends heavily on the quality and quantity of training data.

Model Explainability: Complex AI models can be challenging to interpret, potentially hindering troubleshooting and decision-making.

Data Bias: AI models can inherit biases from training data, necessitating vigilant mitigation strategies.


  • Technical Strengths: Pre-trained models, flexible deployment options, and industry-specific solutions cater to diverse needs.
  • Scalability and Compliance: Google AI scales to meet growing demands and adheres to strict security standards.
  • Open Source and Ease of Use: TensorFlow's open-source nature fosters collaboration, and Vertex AI offers a user-friendly interface.
  • Innovation Leader: Google is at the forefront of AI research, developing cutting-edge solutions.


  • Data Reliance: AI models depend heavily on the quality and quantity of data used for training.
  • Model Explainability: Complex models can be difficult to interpret, making troubleshooting and decision-making challenging.
  • Data Bias: AI models can inherit biases from training data, requiring careful mitigation strategies.
  • Pricing Costs: Deploying on a large scale may entail significant costs.
  • Vendor lock-in and cost management challenges.

Pricing Structure

Google AI employs a tiered pricing structure based on resource usage. Free trials and pay-as-you-go options facilitate exploration and experimentation, while committed usage plans offer cost-efficiency for large-scale deployments.


Google AI and Machine Learning empower businesses and developers with cutting-edge AI solutions. While data quality and potential bias require consideration, Google's commitment to open source, robust infrastructure, and industry leadership solidify its position as a frontrunner in the AI/ML landscape.

Google AI


ClearML is dedicated to simplifying the Machine Learning lifecycle with a robust MLOps platform. Here’s a detailed look at what they offer, the benefits, and some things to consider:

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Increased Efficiency: Automates workflows, streamlines experiment tracking, and enhances collaboration, leading to faster model development and deployment.

Improved Reproducibility: Tracks all experiment details and data versions, ensuring experiments can be easily replicated.

Scalability: Supports continuous productionization of ML models at scale, allowing businesses to manage increasing data volumes and model complexity.

Technical Features and Integration

MLOps Suite: Includes Experiment Management, Data Management, Pipeline Orchestration, Scheduling, and Model Serving.

Open Source and Flexibility: Utilizes open-source tools and offers managed service options, allowing deployment on-premise or in the cloud.

Integrations: Works seamlessly with various ML frameworks, cloud platforms, and data storage solutions.

Flexibility and Compliance

Deployment Options: Offers multiple deployment configurations, including managed SaaS, dedicated servers, and on-premise installations.

Compliance Features: Ensures adherence to data security regulations with role-based access control, encryption, and ISO 27001 certification.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Compatibility: Integrates with major ML frameworks (like TensorFlow, PyTorch) and cloud platforms (such as AWS, Azure, GCP).

Ease of Use: Features a graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies interactions, although the comprehensive nature of the platform may require a learning curve for some users.

Advantages of ClearML

Experienced Team: Backed by a team with extensive expertise in AI, MLOps, and deep learning.

Strong Community: A growing open-source community that fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration.


Complexity: The feature-rich platform might be overwhelming for simple ML projects.

Limited Free Tier: The free tier comes with limitations on features and usage.


  • Streamlines the ML lifecycle.
  • Enhances experiment tracking and model governance.
  • Offers flexible deployment options.
  • Integrates well with various tools and platforms.


  • Can be complex for simpler use cases.
  • The free tier has limited functionality.

Pricing Structure

ClearML provides a tiered pricing structure, including a free tier, paid plans, and custom enterprise quotes. Pricing varies based on the features and usage volume.


ClearML is a powerful MLOps platform that simplifies the entire ML lifecycle, making it ideal for businesses and developers managing complex ML projects at scale. However, its complexity may not be suitable for smaller projects. It’s important to evaluate your specific needs and consider exploring alternatives before choosing ClearML.


Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock offer a powerful suite of cloud-based AI tools designed to empower businesses and developers. Here’s a detailed analysis of Bedrock, covering their benefits, technical features, flexibility, compliance, compatibility, ease of use, competitive advantages, limitations, and pricing structure.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Accelerated Time-to-Market: With pre-built AI solutions, development time and resources are minimized, giving businesses a competitive edge.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency: AI-powered automation streamlines workflows, optimizes resource allocation, and reduces human error, leading to significant cost savings.

Data-Driven Decision Making: AI analytics provide actionable insights from large datasets, helping businesses with better-informed strategic planning and resource allocation.

Technical Features and Integration

Pre-Trained Models: Bedrock offers a comprehensive library of pre-trained AI models for tasks like computer vision, natural language processing, and text analytics, facilitating rapid deployment.

Scalable Infrastructure: Bedrock’s robust cloud infrastructure allows businesses to easily scale AI resources up or down based on evolving demands and data volumes.

Secure and Reliable Platform: Bedrock prioritizes security and reliability, ensuring data privacy, regulatory compliance, and uninterrupted service for mission-critical AI applications.

Flexibility and Compliance

Customization Options: Developers can use open-source frameworks and APIs to tailor AI models to unique business requirements and data sets.

Regulatory Compliance: Bedrock adheres to stringent industry regulations and data privacy standards, ensuring compliance for businesses in highly regulated sectors.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Broad Compatibility: Bedrock AI integrate seamlessly with various programming languages, frameworks, and operating systems, providing flexibility for developers.

Advanced ML Tools: Developers with machine learning knowledge benefit from a comprehensive suite of tools and frameworks for building, training, and deploying custom models.

Advantages of Amazon Bedrock

Scalability and Reliability: Amazon Bedrock’s global cloud infrastructure offers unmatched scalability and reliability, ensuring high performance and service availability for AI applications.

Constant Innovation: Amazon Bedrock is known for its commitment to ongoing research and development, giving customers access to cutting-edge AI technologies.


Vendor Lock-In: Heavy reliance on Amazon Bedrock can lead to vendor lock-in, potentially limiting flexibility and increasing costs in the long run.

Cost Management: The pay-as-you-go pricing model requires careful cost management strategies to avoid unexpected expenses, especially for resource-intensive AI applications.

Data Privacy Concerns: Data security and privacy are crucial when using cloud-based AI services. Businesses must thoroughly evaluate Bedrock’s data governance practices to ensure compliance and mitigate potential risks.


  • Faster dev, cost savings via pre-built solutions and automation.
  • Data-driven decisions with AI analytics.
  • Scalable, secure cloud platform for AI.
  • Flexible customization and regulatory compliance.
  • Easy to use with broad compatibility and advanced tools.
  • Unmatched scalability and cutting-edge innovation.


  • Vendor lock-in and cost management challenges.
  • Data privacy concerns in cloud-based AI.

Pricing Structure

Amazon Bedrock use a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where users are charged based on the specific services utilized, compute resources consumed, and data volumes processed. This model offers flexibility but necessitates careful cost monitoring and optimization strategies.


Amazon Bedrock offer a powerful and versatile platform, enabling businesses and developers to harness the transformative power of AI. Benefits include faster development cycles, enhanced operational efficiency, and improved customer experiences. However, potential vendor lock-in, cost management considerations, and data privacy concerns require careful evaluation before adoption.

Amazon Bedrock


OpenAI is a leading research organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence. Founded in 2015, its mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits humanity, with a strong emphasis on safety and responsible development. Here’s a comprehensive look at OpenAI, highlighting its functionalities, advantages, limitations, and its role in the AI landscape.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Access to Leading-Edge Research: OpenAI provides businesses with insights into the latest AI advancements, enabling them to develop innovative AI-powered solutions and gain a competitive edge.

Open Source Tools and Code: Developers benefit from OpenAI's commitment to open collaboration, with access to code repositories and tools that accelerate AI development and foster a vibrant research community.

Focus on Safety and Alignment: OpenAI's emphasis on responsible AI development gives businesses confidence when integrating their technology.

Technical Features and Integration

OpenAI doesn't offer a single, unified product but provides various APIs and SDKs for integrating specific functionalities into applications, such as:

Generative Pre-trained Transformers: These powerful language models handle tasks like text generation, translation, and code completion.

Reinforcement Learning Tools: OpenAI offers tools for developing and training reinforcement learning algorithms, enabling AI agents to learn through trial and error.

Flexibility and Compliance

OpenAI's open-source approach offers high flexibility for integrating their tools and tailoring AI solutions to specific needs. However, businesses must stay aware of evolving AI regulations to ensure compliance.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

OpenAI's tools are mainly designed for experienced developers with a solid understanding of AI concepts. While efforts are being made to improve accessibility, newcomers to AI may face a significant learning curve.

Advantages of OpenAI

Strong Research Focus: OpenAI is at the forefront of AI research, consistently pushing boundaries and contributing valuable knowledge to the field.

Commitment to Safety: Their dedication to responsible AI development fosters trust and encourages wider adoption of their technologies.

Open Collaboration: OpenAI's focus on open-source principles promotes innovation and collaboration within the AI research community.


Early-Stage Development: Some of OpenAI's tools are still under development, which might limit their reliability for critical applications.

Limited Commercial Availability: OpenAI primarily focuses on research, offering few commercially available products. Businesses seeking fully-developed AI solutions might need to look elsewhere.

Uncertainty Regarding Long-Term Goals: Microsoft’s significant investment in OpenAI raises concerns about potential influence on the company’s long-term goals and commitment to open collaboration.


  • Cutting-Edge Research: OpenAI leads in AI research, providing valuable insights and tools for businesses and developers.
  • Focus on Safety and Alignment: Their emphasis on responsible AI development builds trust and encourages adoption.
  • Open Collaboration: OpenAI’s commitment to open-source fosters innovation and collaboration within the AI community.


  • Early-Stage Development: Some tools may still be under development, limiting their reliability for critical uses.
  • Limited Commercial Availability: With a focus on research, OpenAI offers few commercially available products.
  • Uncertain Long-Term Goals: Microsoft's investment raises concerns about potential shifts in OpenAI's openness and long-term goals.
  • Steeper Learning Curve: Their tools are designed for experienced developers, which can be challenging for beginners.

Additional Considerations

Evolving Regulations: As AI regulations evolve, compliance becomes an important factor when using OpenAI's tools.

Pricing Structure

OpenAI offers a freemium model for some of its tools, with limited access for free and paid tiers for extended functionality and higher usage quotas.


OpenAI is a significant player in the AI landscape, providing valuable resources for businesses and developers aiming to leverage cutting-edge AI research. Their focus on safety and responsible development is commendable. However, potential limitations like early-stage development and the evolving nature of AI regulations require careful consideration before integration.


OpenRouter AI

OpenRouter AI is a platform that makes it easy to access a wide variety of large language models (LLMs). Here’s a quick look at what it offers and how it could benefit businesses and developers.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Enhanced AI Capabilities: OpenRouter gives businesses access to advanced LLMs, which can improve tasks like content creation, data analysis, and chatbot development.

Streamlined Development: With a unified interface, integrating various LLMs into existing workflows becomes simpler, saving time and resources.

Technical Features and Integration

API Access: OpenRouter’s API enables seamless integration with existing applications, making it easier to use LLMs within a business’s infrastructure.

Model Agnosticism: The platform supports various models, offering flexibility in choosing the right tool for different tasks.

Flexibility and Compliance

Model Selection: Businesses can choose from a diverse range of models, ensuring they meet specific compliance requirements and ethical considerations.

Scalability: OpenRouter may offer scalable access to LLM resources, allowing businesses to grow their usage as needed, depending on the pricing structure.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Unified Interface: OpenRouter simplifies interaction with different models, reducing the learning curve for developers and users.

Potential Compatibility Challenges: Some models might not integrate perfectly and could require additional configuration for optimal performance.

Advantages of the Platform

Early Access: OpenRouter provides access to cutting-edge models that might not be available through other channels.

Innovation: The platform encourages exploration and experimentation, potentially leading to new applications of AI technology.


Performance: Using OpenRouter might introduce latency compared to directly accessing a specific LLM’s interface.

Limited Functionality: Some advanced features of individual LLMs might not be available through OpenRouter.


  • Access to a wide range of LLMs
  • Unified interface for easier interaction
  • API for developer integration
  • Potential cost savings through efficient model selection


  • Potential for slower performance compared to direct LLM access
  • Limited functionalities for certain models
  • Unclear pricing structure

Pricing Structure

OpenRouter uses a tiered pricing system, with free options for basic models and paid plans for premium features or more powerful LLMs.


OpenRouter AI is a valuable platform for businesses and developers interested in exploring the capabilities of various LLMs. Its unified interface and API integration simplify development and experimentation. However, potential limitations like cost and performance trade-offs should be considered before making OpenRouter your primary LLM access solution.

Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a French-American company founded in 2016 that provides tools and resources to help businesses and developers create applications using machine learning. Best known for their Transformers library, a popular open-source toolkit for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, Hugging Face also offers an online platform that encourages collaboration within the AI community.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Reduced Development Time: With pre-trained models and built-in functionalities, the Transformers library speeds up the development of NLP applications.

Enhanced Innovation: The Hugging Face platform allows users to share and discover models and datasets, fostering new ideas and collaboration.

Stronger Community Support: An active community offers valuable resources, tutorials, and assistance for developers.

Technical Features and Integration

Transformers Library: This core library offers pre-trained models for various NLP tasks like text summarization, machine translation, and question answering. It also allows for fine-tuning models on custom datasets.

Model Hub: Hugging Face’s platform enables users to discover, share, and collaborate on a variety of machine learning models, including those built with the Transformers library.

Easy Integration: Hugging Face provides integration tools for popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, simplifying model usage in existing projects.

Flexibility and Compliance

Open-Source Foundation: The open-source nature of the Transformers library allows for customization and adaptation to meet specific needs.

Enterprise-Grade Security: Hugging Face offers secure solutions with features like access control and encryption for enterprise deployments.

Scalability: Their platform and tools are designed to scale from individual projects to large enterprise deployments.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Multiple Programming Languages: The Transformers library supports popular languages like Python and Java, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.

Comprehensive Documentation: Extensive documentation and tutorials are available to help users learn and use their tools effectively.

Active Community: The online community provides support and resources for users facing challenges.

Advantages of Hugging Face

Focus on Open Source and Collaboration: Hugging Face promotes a collaborative environment within the AI community.

Strong Leadership Team: Led by experienced professionals with a proven track record in AI, the company is well-positioned for growth.

Rapid Growth and Investment: Significant funding indicates strong investor confidence in Hugging Face’s future.


Focus on NLP: While the Transformers library excels in NLP tasks, it may not address all machine learning domains.

Reliance on Open-Source Community: Troubleshooting complex issues might require engaging with the online community.

Potential Learning Curve: Mastering the Transformers library and platform functionalities can take time and effort.


  • Encourages innovation and collaboration
  • Offers pre-trained models and efficient tools
  • Provides enterprise-grade solutions for businesses


  • Limited scope beyond NLP currently
  • Troubleshooting might involve the online community
  • Learning curve for beginners

Pricing Structure

Hugging Face offers a freemium pricing model. The Transformers library and core functionalities of the platform are free. For enterprise-grade features with enhanced security and support, they offer paid subscription plans.


Hugging Face is a valuable resource for businesses and developers working on machine learning projects, especially those involving NLP. Their open-source approach, collaborative platform, and powerful tools empower users to build innovative applications. While there might be a learning curve and a strong focus on NLP, the potential benefits and strong community support make Hugging Face a significant player in the AI landscape.

Hugging Face


BigML's platform offers solutions for a wide range of machine learning tasks, including classification, regression, time series forecasting, clustering analysis, anomaly detection, association discovery, and topic modeling. The company's international team includes experts in large-scale machine learning, distributed systems, and data visualization.

Benefits for Businesses and Developers

Increased Efficiency: BigML automates many complex steps in building and deploying ML models, allowing businesses to get results faster and freeing developers to focus on other aspects of their projects.

Improved Decision-Making: By providing actionable insights from data, BigML helps businesses make better data-driven decisions.

Competitive Advantage: Leveraging ML for tasks like customer churn prediction or product recommendations can give businesses a competitive edge.

Simplified ML Adoption: BigML's user-friendly platform makes it easier for businesses to start with ML, even without extensive in-house expertise.

Technical Features and Integration

Automated Machine Learning: BigML automates many steps in the ML workflow, such as data preparation, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.

Wide Range of Algorithms: The platform supports various ML algorithms for tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and more.

RESTful API: BigML provides a RESTful API for programmatic access to the platform.

Scalability: Capable of handling large datasets and complex models, BigML scales with your needs.

Flexibility and Compliance

Freemium Model: BigML offers a free tier with enough resources to start ML experimentation. Paid plans provide increased capacity for larger projects.

Cloud-Based: As a cloud-based platform, BigML eliminates the need for businesses to manage their own ML infrastructure.

Security: Features like encryption and access controls ensure user data is protected.

Compliance: BigML can help businesses comply with industry regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

Web-Based Interface: Accessible from any device with a web browser, BigML's web-based interface is user-friendly.

Programming Language Support: BigML Bindings allow developers to interact with the platform using their preferred programming languages.

Advantages of BigML

Ease of Use: The platform is designed for users with varied technical backgrounds, making it accessible and straightforward.

Scalability: BigML can handle large datasets and complex models efficiently.

Wide Range of Features: Supporting various ML algorithms and features, BigML is versatile.


Limited Customization: While BigML automates many ML workflow steps, this can limit the amount of customization users have over model building.

Vendor Lock-In: Businesses may become dependent on the platform's ecosystem.

Pricing: Paid plans can be expensive for large-scale deployments.


  • Easy to use
  • Scalable
  • Wide range of features


  • Limited customization
  • Potential for vendor lock-in
  • Can be expensive for large deployments

Pricing Structure

BigML operates on a freemium model, with a free tier offering limited resources for experimentation. Paid plans provide increased capacity for larger projects.


BigML is a user-friendly and accessible platform that can be a valuable tool for businesses and developers looking to get started with machine learning or integrate it into their existing workflows. However, it's important to be aware of the platform's limitations, such as the lack of customization and potential vendor lock-in, before making a decision.



Choosing the right AI API can make a big difference in the success of your project. By considering factors like functionality, ease of use, scalability, and support, you can find an API that meets your needs and helps you leverage the power of AI.

Whether you're building a chatbot, analyzing data, or developing a new app, there's an AI API out there that can help. AI/ML API, OpenRouter, BigML, Hugging Face, OpenAI, Google AI, ClearML and AWS are all excellent choices, each with their own strengths and features. By exploring these options, you can find the best AI API for your project.

Ready to harness the full potential of AI for your next project? Look no further than AI/ML API, the ultimate resource for integrating advanced AI capabilities into your applications. With over 100 AI models at your fingertips, available 24/7, AI/ML API empowers you to innovate and scale with ease. 

Don't wait to elevate your application—One API 200+ AI Models Accessible 24/7 is just a click away. Start transforming your ideas into reality today!

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