August 22, 2024

LegacyLabs - an API in the steps of Character AI and Carter AI

A recap of our Tuesday's Discord event. LegacyLab is a young UK startup, taking on Character AI API market.


In the ever-evolving landscape of AI and ML, young devs are eager to learn and prove themselves. A community full of such passionate people was once built around Carter AI and their API. The pivot of their business model, prohibiting use of their character API, left a void that many developers felt keenly. However, from the ashes of this setback, a new star is emerging: LegacyLabs. Founded by young devs hungry for success, LegacyLabs is offering a powerful and flexible API for integrating AI characters into various projects.

🤖DevTuesday🤖 and AI/ML API

We've met the devs, Ice and Artificial_AI within our community on Discord. The guys were testing models and talking abt their idea quite a lot, so we've made our first-ever Dev Tuesday together. We talked about infrastructure, models that best follow the prompts (gpt-4o-mini, surprisingly), and marketing for startups. Some collaboration will be coming out of that for sure, like an AI avatar of AI/ML API. So, what are the takeaways from our talk?

LegacyLabs: A Developer-First Approach

One of the key differentiators for LegacyLabs is its commitment to developers. The project's API is highly versatile, allowing developers to integrate AI characters into any systems accepting API calls. Any character can be created within a couple of minutes, to get your favourite fictional hero to reply to you.
The product is intended to allow anyone to capitalize on the growing Character AI market, by calling the API in own projects. Such methodology makes any chatbot more marketable, and any development/learning process more personified. The project is in its early stages, but the waitlist is open, with the demo is available on their Discord. Moreover, the full project repo is avaliable on Github.

An example of in-character AI interaction

AI/ML API Open-Source as Backup

After OpenAI s servers experienced downtime, LegacyLabs recognized the importance of having a reliable and flexible foundation for its AI models. By switching to open-source models with AI/ML API, they were able to implement fallbacks in case of any issues. RIght now the installed fallback is LLama 8B, which we've tested against gpt-4o mini recently!

A Bright Future for AI Character Development

LegacyLabs' claims to the Character AI market are a testament to the ever-growing AI industry. With its focus on developer experience, versatility, and open-source models, LegacyLabs has chances to become a leading platform for AI character development API. This, in its place, easily makes all interactions more fun, and that is a secret-sauce not many corporate products have.

Legacy Labs website:

Pick AI models for your next startup in our Playground, or talk to us and the LegacyLabs devs in Discord.
Next Dev Tuesday comes around 03.09.2024. Come by!

Get API Key